FREE COURSE - Balance Your Life

FREE GUIDE - 5 Steps To Finding Your Purpose In Life

Find The Intersection of Your Passion, Profession, and Purpose!


If you believe, as I do, that your passion is God-given. If you believe that your passion is her to drive the Purpose for which you have been uniquely designed. Then you know that divine guidance is not only possible, but absolutely necessary to live your life mission.  Without it we can accomplish things, but I don’t believe we can accomplish the most important things.

Staying connected to my Purpose and seeking that guidance is a constant prayer of mine. We are told that if you ask you will received. I encourage you to ask frequently for this kind of guidance. This week I did receive! It came to me in two forms… a incredibly striking thought that could only be divinely inspired and in the form of a verse of scripture. Without going into the details, it was precisely the guidance I asked for and needed.


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What it told was to keep a perspective on something vitally important. It is something that I do lose perspective on from time to time, which is why this kind of prayer is so essential. What I was reminded is that our journey to fulfilling our Purpose is much, much less about what we do and much, much more about who we become.

As you consider your journey keep the perspective that God is much more concerned about who you are than what you do. When you focus on becoming that person, then so much of what you need to do seems to take care of itself.


Free Guide:  Pursue Your Passion