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Daily Habits Are One of the Best Ways To Relieve Stress

Don’t kid yourself, you are always going to encounter some level of stress in your life and one of the best ways to relieve stress is through daily habits.  Sometimes it will be more, sometimes almost none at all.  If you are trying to achieve anything, any goal or accomplishment, you are going to run into stress.  However, stress does not have to be crippling.  You can condition yourself through daily habits to mitigate the impact of stress when it comes.

You need to create new daily routines so that you can apply proven stress management techniques. When you work this routine consistently,  it will soon become a habit in your subconscious mind. I recommend that you perform some of your stress management techniques in the mornings.  This will get your day off to a great start.  You will be prepared for any stress that comes your way.

Recite Positive Affirmations

Create positive affirmations that address your weaknesses.  Recite these when you get up in the morning.

It is best to read your affirmations out loud if you can. If not, then read them in your head. Make sure that you read all of your affirmations with passion and emotion so that your subconscious mind will take notice.

Perform Breathing Exercises in the morning

Exercise is very effective for stress management.  That does not mean you have to kill it every day.  You can learn to perform some simple breathing exercises in the morning. There are several YouTube videos available that will show you how to perform these breathing exercises correctly.

Morning Stretches Are One of The Best Ways to Relieve Stress

Another good stress management technique you can use every morning is performing of gentle stretching exercises. I recently started this and it has as surprisingly postive impact on stress relief.  It doesn’t matter what your current fitness levels are, you can do simple stretches. They will get your heart pumping and increase your circulation. Again, look on YouTube for videos about how to perform gentle stretches.

Perform a Visualization Session in the Morning

Visualization is one of the best ways to relieve stress.  It is a very powerful stress management technique. You can paint a vivid picture of yourself leading a stress-free life and experience the powerful emotions that come from this.

When you learn how to visualize properly you will only need around 5 to 10 minutes for your sessions. This is another great way to begin your day.

Neutralize Any Negative Thoughts

The impact of negative thoughts have a funny way of accumulating in our minds.  Neutralizing negative thoughts is something that you need to do any time you have them. You must neutralize every negative thought that you experience with a positive thought as soon as they occur. You will get better at neutralizing negative thoughts the more you practice.

By practicing neutralizing your negative thoughts each day, you should begin to see the number of your negative thoughts gradually decrease. Your subconscious mind will slowly take notice of your neutralizations and will eliminate a lot of the negative thoughts before they begin!

Participate in A Regular Exercise Program That Fits YOU

You need to find a way to include regular exercise in your daily routine.  Exercise has been proven time and again as being one of the best ways to relieve stress. Your morning breathing and stretching exercises are not enough. If you have not exercised regularly for a while then you need to start slow and gradually build on this.

I have used the Old School New Body program for my regular exercise routine.  It is simple and easy to implement and it also has a nutritional component as well.

Walking is also a very good form of exercise. It is something that you can easily do every day. Walk to the local store rather than take the car. Instead of taking the elevator climb the stairs to your floor. Every lunchtime you can take a walk outside no matter what the weather is like.

Meditate Each Day

Use guided meditation or learn and practice mindfulness meditation.  Make this part of your new daily routine.

Practice meditation at least once a day. Once you learn mindfulness meditation you can practice it almost anywhere at any time for a few minutes. Meditation is a very effective way to relieve stress.


You don’t have to be ruled by stress.  It is something you can anticipate and prepare for.  Frankly, a life without any stress means you aren’t growing and achieving. So you know it is going to come in one form or another.  This post gives you some of the best ways to relieve stress.  Use these practical and simple steps to build a daily routine that allows you to conquer stress and overcome the obstacles it creates.

What about you?  Please comment below with some of your own best ways to relieves stress that have worked for you!