FREE COURSE - Balance Your Life

FREE GUIDE - 5 Steps To Finding Your Purpose In Life

Find The Intersection of Your Passion, Profession, and Purpose!


Don't buy into the notion that your are too old, or too poor, or too uneducated, or too this or that to start your passion journey. Even if you feel you have squandered your passion through wasted years, that is rarely the reality of your situation.

You know what is real? What is real is that you were created, gifted, and alighted for a Purpose. You have a passion that drives your toward fulfilling that Purpose. Now you may have missed it for a long time, but it is still in you. Maybe all your efforts were poured into meaningless things. That doesn't mean you don't still have the inner desire to live for your unique design. It may be true that you have squandered opportunities. That doesn't mean you have squandered passion.

When you are stuck in this thought of squandered passion you have to get moving! First, write down your passion. If you can't, GO HERE. Second, look at the activities you are spending time in today. Do they feed or starve your passion? You know what to do once you make this list. Finally, refocus your goals, your time, your priorities in a way the utilizes your passion. You may only be able to do just few things at first. Over time, however, you will discover ways to live more fully in your passion, on Purpose, and become the person you were designed to be.