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Teach Something To Stay Young At Heart

This is another suggestion that might surprise you if you aren’t a retired educator. If you’ve never taught before, you probably think you aren’t qualified to teach anything. That’s not true because everyone can teach something!

What skills do you have? What kind of things do you know how to do? They can be academic or practical skills.

Do you speak another language? You can probably teach the basics to someone else.

Are you a retired accountant? You might be able to teach tax preparation.

Are you good at car repairs, home maintenance, woodworking, or any other mechanical skills? You could teach that. What about sewing, quilting, knitting, or crocheting?

Teachers for the finer arts are in demand. You can teach just about any hobby that requires skill if you know how to do it.

What about art? If you’re good at any form of art, even if you’re not at a professional level, you can teach it. The same goes for music and creative writing.

A hundred other things could be added to this list, including everything from graphic design to dog training to software programming.


If you Know how to do Something Well, you can Teach it

The next question you probably have is how you’d go about doing so.

Well, your local senior center, lifetime learning institute, and/or community college often need instructors in all of these areas. Most of these positions are voluntary or pay only a nominal wage but what you get out of them more than makes up for the pay.

Other options for teaching include registering with a local arts center or group dedicated to the topic and teaching through them. You could also teach private lessons or sign up to teach adult education classes to disadvantaged minorities or incarcerated individuals. 

Museums often need specialists to come in periodically and teach classes related to their subject matter. This is especially true of art and science museums.

Local universities and school systems will need guest lecturers. 

If you’re mechanically or technically inclined, you can join your local Makers group and teach your skills to new people. 

Teaching gives you all the benefits you need to stay young at heart. It gets you out of the house, engages your mind, and lets you get social interaction. Look at your skill set and see if there’s anything that you might be able to teach.

Teaching could be just what you’re looking for!