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Betrayal trauma is much different than other types of trauma — so the signs you may have betrayal trauma are different than regular trauma because it develops after only specific types of life events.
It’s important to understand the signs you might have betrayal trauma and how to spot the unique signs of betrayal trauma in order to cope with its symptoms and work back up to a productive, fulfilling life.
Clinical psychologist Dr. Ramani Durvasula understands the signs you may have betrayal trauma better than anyone..In this video, we’ll discuss the signs that you may have betrayal trauma.
This type of trauma can be a difficult experience to heal, and can lead to a number of emotional and physical issues.If you’re experiencing any of the following signs, it may be helpful to seek out help: feeling overwhelmed, feeling depressed, avoiding others, feeling resentful, feeling helpless, feeling trapped, feeling like a victim, and feeling like you can’t go on.
If you’re feeling like these symptoms are impacting your mental and/or physical health, it may be time to seek out help from a therapist or counselor.

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00:00 What is betrayal trauma?
01:37 Is betrayal trauma common?
02:39 Betrayal trauma vs other types of trauma
03:46 Signs someone experienced betrayal trauma
06:31 How to heal from betrayal trauma